Friday, February 18, 2011

Fashionable Februrary

I have a lot of clothes. Seriously. Two closets. Two dressers. All stuffed. Lots.Of.Clothes. At the end of January I decided that during February I would not buy any new clothes. None. No jeans. No dresses. Nothing.

This is the hardest choice I have ever made. Not really, but at the store I work at-and buy most of my clothes at- we have been getting all of our spring/early summer clothes in. It's killing me.

I have purposely not been walking around the store looking at the new clothes because I know I will just want them all! March 1 can not come soon enough!

I keep telling myself that if I really need something, than it will be there next month. I do not want to be so dependent upon buying new clothes all the time. Honestly, I see it as a form of insecurity in my life. I buy new clothes because I get this idea in my head that if I look a certain way than people will like me more. Forcing myself to be content with what I have is also forcing me to be content with myself. It makes me realize that if someone is only friends with me because of my [rather fabulous] wardrobe, they are probably not someone i want to be friends with for long.

This also goes along with the verse that I am focusing on the last two weeks of February. Hebrews 13:5 "Keep you lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." I am working on being content with what I have and not needing the approval of others to be happy.

Are you trying to build character in your life this month? What are you focusing on?

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, thanks so much for commenting on my blog! I always enjoy connecting with readers. You know, I think everyone has their weakness that they compulsively follow - buying things or whatever. Me? I spend too much time online :) I hope you'll come back and add the conversation again. See you around!
