Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Personal Stylist

For the past year, I have had the incredible blessing of getting to take care of the most amazing little girl(not that I'm biased). Emma is three and is just the coolest little person you'll ever meet. I thought I would pass on a bit of fashion advice that Emma gave me one night while getting ready for bed.

Three or so weeks ago I had given miss Emma her bath and put her pj's on her. She went over to the bookshelf to get a book and on the way there somehow stumbled upon her favorite Dora the Explorer night gown. She of course starts ripping her clothing off and putting on the Dora nightgown. I, being the wonderful babysitter that I am, told her that no, she could not in fact change pj's she had the wear the ones she had on. Her response? "I don't LOVE those ones!" I kid you not, she actually said that. Since then, whenever I'm shopping and considering buying something, I ask myself, "Do i love this?" These words have saved me a bit of cash, I must admit. Good advice, Emma.


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